Film Board Minutes

Date:  April 15th, 2003


Meeting Started at:  6:05 P.M. 


Unexcused Absences:  Stephanie Marolt, Matt McQueen, Eric E. Seguin, Jeffrey Wolodkiewicz

Excused Absences:  Missy Benson, Karla Brudi, Scott Elliott, Adam Giacobazzi, Russel Johnson, Mark Jenstad, Pedro L. Lemmertz, Tamara Ojanen,


Minutes:  Passed


President:  If you want to create next year’s Winter Carnival Logo, just submit your ideas and you have the chance to win $50.  WMTU is still doing ads for us.  It was confirmed the $18,205 can be used for all expenditures, but not for incentives to the chairs and offices.  Did anyone know about the Tech Arts movies that were played?  It was decided they assumed from last year when we did this.  Valerie Peg was our contact from last year.  Niko got an email and he responded accordingly. 


Vice President:  Schedule went around, and Greg will add Ian and Dan for working concessions during Rob Roy.


Secretary:  Nothing to report.


Treasurer:  We sold 388 tickets for Adaptation and we made $239 in concessions.  For Braveheart, we sold $51.70 in concessions.


Equipment Supervisor:  Movie will be put together in time to show Rob Roy Tuesday night.  The film for the weekend, Equilibrium will be shown Thursday late (early morning).


Web page:  The website will be updated.


Publicity:  Not present.


Concessions:  Lisa apologized for not having enough Zebra cakes.


Advisors:  Not present.


Old Business:  The social date was set for Sunday, April 27th, night at 6.


New Business:  There was a motion to accept a new member, Asehinde Olanrewaju, “Jack”.  The motion was seconded, which brings filmboard up to 39 members.  As for the popcorn machine, it seems the prices didn’t include the popper with the cart.  After combing these, it would be around $4,500.  For just the popper, it would be $3,000.  We could get another model with as many accessories as needed for the same price.


Meeting Adjourned:  6:30


Dutifully Submitted,

John Jeske

Thursday April 17th, 2003 9:40 P.M.