Film Board Minutes
Date: September 19, 2006
Meeting Started at: 6:05 PM
Unexcused Absences: none, good job!
Excused Absences: Ashley Ames, Brad Korstange, Brandon Krieger, Aaron McPhall, Dustin Sommer, Chris Sopczynski
Minutes: Passed
President: Next 5 Movies: We can't get Little Miss Sunshine until December 1st, so we will work it into the following 5 movie set. Questions? Meet after.
Vice President: New members, and board going around.
Secretary: no report
Treasurer: Bill: Got the bill from audio imaging specialists. It was $4476 for 4 high power surround speakers, 4 brackets ($20 each) 24 labor 20 travel etc… Comments of high price, but considering the Labor, gas prices etc…, it wasn't bad. Already wrote check.
Equipment Supervisor: Blur Problem: Most likely a problem with the film; a section of the film was blurry, same section each time. Gets blurry only in the middle? Will investigate.
Web page: all good
Publicity: I don't have table-tents yet. Filmboardmovies-l is the new informational mailing list. I need someone to put out Wads table tents. Could we get table-tents in Aftermath Café? This will be investigated.
Concessions: Everything ordered, need help to bring it in. Probably Wednesday or Thursday
Advertising: Slides: Projector in the process of being replaced. If something comes in, use USB drive and throw it on PowerPoint upstairs. If you have slides, put them in a PowerPoint format
Advisors: ???
Old Business: Sunday movies: Esther mentioned artsy Sunday movies. In the past we have done a free blockbuster in which we don't tell anyone about. Matinee times are a possibility and we just wouldn't see concessions. It's something to think about. If you have any ideas, E-mail the list. Classic Films could also be shown as well. Posters this week: black/white printed for X-men. Don't worry about putting out the normal poster.
New Business: New Members: The following people filled out applications, were interviewed, and accepted by a majority vote as members: Andrew Boutcher, Ken Link, Wesley McGowan, Matthew Pihulic, Ryan Schaefer, Kyle Thorton, Sarah Woodburn
Meeting Adjourned: 6:55 PM
Dutifully Submitted,
Dan Ehlke