Film Board Minutes

Date:  December 7th, 2004


Meeting Started at:  6:05 PM


Unexcused Absences: Steve Dodge, Russell Johnson, Helana Nelson, Kevin Trombly


Excused Absences:  Scott Elliot


Minutes:  Passed


President:  Nothing to report.


Vice President:  Keep working towards completing requirements.


Secretary:  Nothing to report.


Treasurer: We deposited around $1,300 into the account from this weekend- this brings our bank total to $23,000+.


Equipment Supervisor:  During the past weekend, the popcorn machine was unplugged.  This caused a few problems with the oil solidifying.  It was asked that the popcorn machine not be unplugged and the oil system not be turned off.


Web page:  Paul will continue to update the webpage for the rest of the semester.


Publicity:  Nothing to report.


Concessions:  Good to go.


Advertising:  It was brought up that slides may not have to be ordered if we buy a LCD projector.  The rest of the issue was discussed under old business.


Advisors:  Not present.


Old Business:  It was proposed that up to $6,000 be allocated to Jeff Petcoff to spend on a LCD projector.  The motion did not pass.  


New Business:  We voted on movies for the first four movies for next semester.  Officers and chairs that would like their payment should talk to Scott.  Travis resigned the position of publicity chair- Jeff Petcoff will assume his position.  Kevin mentioned if anyone was interested in working on a student film to speak with him.


Meeting Adjourned:  6:43 PM


Dutifully Submitted,

Susan Hallesy

Tuesday December 7th, 2004 11:30 PM