Film Board Minutes

Date:  November 30th, 2004


Meeting Started at: 6:05 P.M.


Unexcused Absences:  Russell Johnson, Helana Nelson


Excused Absences:  Paul Lefief, Nikki Pietrzak


Minutes: Passed


President:  The room reservations were lost, Matt took care of it and we should have our room reserved for next semester.


Vice President:  There are still a lot of people who need to get their requirements in, try to do the best you can.


Secretary:  Nothing to report.


Treasurer:  We have around $26,600 in our balance, with a few outstanding checks.  Hero did well.


Publicity:  Adam didn’t get a chance to get publicity out this week.


Equipment Supervisor:  An LCD projector will run about $4,000-$5,000.  Niko will talk to maintenance to see if we can figure out a place to mount it and possibly get a cheaper one.


Web page:  Will be updated.


Advertising:  We don’t have new slides yet, the company that makes them couldn’t open the files, but we may not order depending on if we get an LCD projector or not.


Concessions:  Good to go.


Advisor:  Nothing to report.


Old business:  The social is at 7 pm this Sunday at The Library.


New business:  We had elections this week and these are the following chairs/officers:

President:  Greg Mooren

Vice President:  Jeff O’ Brien

Secretary:  Susan Hallesy

Treasury:  Kevin Smith

Publicity:  Travis Horrocks

Equipment Supervisor:  Craig Morehouse

Concessions:  Matt Bengry

Webpage:  Matt Dunn

Advertising:  Jeff Petcoff


Meeting adjourned:  7:00 P.M.


Dutifully Submitted,

John Jeske

Sunday December 5th, 2004 1:30 P.M.