Film Board Minutes

Date:  March 28, 2006

Meeting Started at:  6:05 PM

Unexcused Absences: Fay Dearing, Matt Heyse, Randy Thomas

Excused Absences: Ashley Ames, Kyle Done, Ghandi Jagasia, Randy Thomas

Minutes: Passed

President: no report 

Vice President: Requirements: People with low requirements can sign up for shows first.  Remember: you must work 9 shows to be able to go to the social.   

Secretary: no report  

Treasurer: Made $20,090.50 for Narnia.  There is about $20,000 in the account. People who need their checks (projectors), they are in the office in my box.  When logging the profit, for concessions or tickets please write legibly!  VOTE KYLE for USG representative.  

Equipment Supervisor: Received/installed Stereo.  There were many obstacles.  Sound checks. The problem is the microphone-> new one?  The door knob for the office on the door opposite the one by the desk broke but is “fixed”.  There were other complaints of it's deficiency from Travis H. New Stuff: Compensation was granted for the purchase of several electrical safety items: Grounding plugs for the popcorn machine etc, rope lights to see upstairs, and a switch.  

Web page: All good; Mark brought some webpage errors?  

Publicity: Received 'Aeon Flux' Poster.  Table Tent people: meet afterwards.  

Concessions: Will stock by friday


Advertising: ???

Advisors: no report   

Old Business: Arts Fest: The arts festival is playing 'Crimson River'.  It's pretty good; people should see it.  Social: Copies of the Ambassador menu were passed around to get an idea of the price range.  A $15/ person budget was proposed and passed. The social will be at 4:30 on April 9th.  MUB Board: Free Spring Fling movie possibility still being reviewed; they will be meeting and will get back to us. Pop Shelf: Send in your designs. . .there will be a prize! New Advisor?: Russell J. hasn't heard from Erin Smith whether she can Advise Film Board or not yet, but will ask.

New Business: Projectionist Compensation: Projectionists want compensation for projecting as far as show requirements because projecting makes it hard to fulfill the requirements.  It was decided that projectionists can see VP if they are having problems fulfilling requirements, but should be able to meet them.

Meeting Adjourned: 6:30

Dutifully Submitted,

Dan Ehlke