Film Board Minutes

Date:  October 19th, 2004


Meeting Started at: 6:05 P.M.


Unexcused Absences:  James Asehinde, Matt Heyse, Alec Struthers


Excused Absences:  Matt Bengry, Colin Brandt, Frank Hahnenberg, Travis Horrocks, Russell Johnson, Michael Lennon, Jack McCaffery, Paul Lefief, Jeff O'Brien


Minutes: Passed


President:  Nomination applications for Winter Carnival Queen are available in the MUB.  There will be a Bash in the Big House bus; tickets are available at the Rozsa Center.  Tomorrow there will be a seminar with $3,000 worth of pizza talking about plant trips and job benefits.


Vice President:  Be sure to sign with your full name on the sheet.  Keep up you requirements and think of some ideas for our social, other than the Ming.


Secretary:  Nothing to report.


Treasurer:  We sold 972 tickets for Anchorman and $580 in concessions, which resulted in a deposit of just over $2500.


Publicity:  The table tents aren’t ready yet, make sure to stop by MUB 106 to pick them up.  Try and remember please, Adam puts a lot of time into making the table tents, let’s get them out there.


Equipment Supervisor:  The butter/oil warmer isn’t working really well.  It would also be nice to get the popcorn breaker bar in place.  The couch broke upstairs; Niko will try and fix it with some plywood.  The movie will be previewed at 9 if the room is available and there might be free pizza.


Web page:  Webpage will be updated (see movies at the bottom).  Also, people are still frustrated they can’t view a non-flash site.  They would like to see links to advertising and possibly a link to the FAQ page.


Advertising:  Any t-shirt ideas can be sent to Lisa, we will be voting next week.


Concessions:  Good to go.  Frank bought some more sticks so we will be able to make popcorn if the oil won’t melt.


Advisor:  Leadershape applications are available, for more information email Travis (  There will be a leadership conference Saturday November 13th.  Again for more information talk to Travis.


Old business:  We will be showing the following movies after this weekend:  The Village, Collateral, Hero, Without a Paddle, Sky Captain, and (to be determined – “Blockbuster”).


New business:  We had a new member, Sean O’Brien.  There was a motion to accept Sean, the motion passed.


Meeting adjourned:  6:35 P.M.


Dutifully Submitted,

John Jeske

Tuesday October 19th, 2004 11:50 P.M.