Film Board Minutes

Date:  October 9, 2007

Meeting Started at:  6:05 PM


Unexcused Absences: Erica Akehurst, Ashley Ames, Matt Bengry, Ken link, Matthew Pihulic

Excused Absences: Sean Heath, Nicole Pietrzak, Matt VanDyke

Minutes: Passed


President: ‘Live Free or Die Hard’: Didn’t ship here until Friday. Mark tried calling Criterion all day with no answer.  Mark finally got through on another phone. They overnight shipped, and shopping will be billed to them.  Minutes: try to get them out within 48 hrs.


Vice President:?      


Treasurer: Purchase Receipt form shown.


Equipment Supervisor: Stop burning the popcorn. Cleaning stuff is coming.


Web page: updated site.




Concessions: Bought new stuff; cans out.


Advertising:  website for slides updated.




Old Business: Windows: Heyse: There is a detail that the assembly people can’t figure out.  Receiver: Reimbursed yet?  Need to keep calling. Swank Trip: called Swank.  Films aren’t shipped from them; they are shipped from all over. We could talk to Technicolor?  Outdoor Film: Kyle talked to USG; a MUB Board rep was there. Inflatable screen vs. rigid structure discussed.  Storage might be an issue, although there are places.  Bulk tickets: Design for next week. Family Weekend: Expect families J. Have appropriate language.  Discussion on children being able to get in free.   Move that children under 2 years old have free admission. Passed.  Transformers Prizes: Regular edition: $16.87 + tax Special Edition: $22.87 + tax.  Posters through swank have a limit of 3 per film. We could get posters online at around $55 for 6 posters. Season I collectors edition: $60  Original Transformers Movie: $15.99 + shipping.  Give out prizes Friday night. Motion to raffle off 6 special edition, and 2 original edition ‘Transformer’ DVDs. Passed. Double roll raffle tickets? Sell raffle tickets at separate table. Passed. Add an extra person (slot) to the sign-up for Transformers.


New Business: Judicial Committee: Went through constitution; will present. E-mail Mark ahead of time if you would like something on the agenda. Equipment meeting some Saturday (Petcoff: Not before noon!)  Young Frankenstein: IRHC would like to show ‘Young Frankenstein. They will pay for rights: $500? It will most likely be a DVD. Motion to show movie given they purchase their own concessions. Passed.


Meeting Adjourned: 7:04


Dutifully Submitted,

Dan Ehlke