Film Board Minutes

Date: February 20, 2007

Meeting Started at:  6:05 PM

Unexcused Absences: Matt Bengry, Brandon Kreiger

Excused Absences: Fay Dearing, Jon Lefevre, Joe Niewendorp, Kyle Thornton


Minutes: Passed


President: Problem with Duck Tales; Technicolor.  We’ll work it out hopefully                     


Vice President: sign up for shows.          

Secretary: no report


Treasurer: Kyle wants to be president of USG.  Please sign the petition. He needs 50 signatures. SAF packets are going around so take a look and let him know of any errors/changes.  Kyle is meeting with them at 9:30 Saturday night.                 


Equipment Supervisor: Worked on computer/ lights. New extension cord: $40 one. $600 self-retracting.  The more expensive one is more flexible; made of rubber.        


Web page: ?

Publicity: ?            

Concessions: all restocked 


Advertising:  We got the network here. The printer is up. Found a lot of viruses on the machine.  2 people are paying for slides right now.  Light table: let us know when you find info.  Projector: Plans to reduce heat on projector.     

Advisors: N/A                            


Old Business: PREVIEW DAY: movie were reviewed by the board. “Night at the Museum” These are the tickets we are collecting. Have them spell Museum right.


New Business: IFF:  The International Film Festival.  Flock of the Dodos: Contract signed for the showing of ‘Flock of Dodos’; Randy is projecting Wed March 7th.  Not sure on time. Cotton Candy: make them Thursday night, we made about 200 last time; 350 was asked for this year. Next Movie Set: E-mail ideas to Mark, we will be voting. 2 swank, 1 criterion. Light box prototype: Allocate some money to Matt H.  maybe $100.  Getting signs printed is very cheap. It is $15 for Plexiglass signs.  Glass versus Vinyl? Glass will protect the signs.  Matt should make a concept, so we can see if we like it. Motion passed to make 1 light box under $100. EARTH WEEK: They were sure they didn’t want to show movie in Fisher, and now they want to the Monday we get back from spring break and a Sunday; Matinee. They have the rights. They said they would clean up. Lost DVD inquiry:  We were showing previews earlier and we found a DVD, and now they are looking for it.  It wasput it back where we found it. If anyone leaves anything in Fisher, try to get it to them if you can, or give it to the projectionist that night, so it can go to the Physics department. Answering Machine: you can call from another phone using a code, to change the message.


Meeting Adjourned: 6:50


Dutifully Submitted,

Dan Ehlke