Film Board Minutes


Date:  March 9th, 2004


Meeting Started at: 6:05 P.M.


Unexcused Absences: Ryan Antkowiak, Paul Lefief, Alexander Struthers


Excused Absences: Scott Elliott


Minutes: Passed


President:  Make sure to sign the green sheet, only once.  There will be an organization fair on April 16th, so keep that in mind if you want to work that.  Anyone interested in scholarships should talk to Matt.  Anyone who has an idea about new shirt designs should bring them to the upcoming meetings.  Matt will send an email listing the next few movies.


Vice President:  If you have any ideas about the social, you can email Greg.  Take a look at the signup sheet and try to get to the goal deadline, that way it will even out.


Secretary:  Nothing to report.


Publicity:  Adam will have a list of movies soon.  Don’t worry about posting flyers anymore, we print them off but no one grabs them.  Adam will distribute them through the resident halls via Res-Life. 


Equipment:  The oil pump is hooked up, just push the button.  Projectionists should get the oil warm well before a show.


Webpage:  (Not Present) Assuming website will be updated.


Concessions:  Everything should be stocked for the next show.


Treasurer:  We have $14,102 for sure in our account, still waiting to collect quite a bit from USG.  Chad completed the budget, asking for around $20,000.  If you want to see how the money was allocated see the budget that is going around or contact Chad. 


Advertising:  Nothing to report.


Advisor:  There will be a class from 3-5 pm on Friday, it shouldn’t be an issue unless there’s an extended movie and even then could be avoided with a few more people helping the projectionist.


Old business:  The table tent that offended a professor is in the office if anyone would like to take a look at it.


New business:  We will be getting a preview, Mean Girls, for the last week of April.  The only catch is we have to promote Dove’s products following the guidelines they sent us.  Steve will look into it further and report back to us.  If the pump doesn’t work, we have an emergency butter supply, but they shouldn’t be used otherwise.


Meeting Adjourned: 6:20 P.M.


Dutifully Submitted,

John Jeske

Tuesday March 16th, 2003 2:15 P.M.