Film Board Minutes

Date: January 17, 2007

Meeting Started at:  6:05 PM

Unexcused Absences: Sean O’Brien

Excused Absences: Brad Korstange, Chris Sopczynski, Aaron Mcphall, Brandon Krieger, Austin Kuzmic


Minutes: Passed


President: The office is dirty; everyone make sure they clean and put things where they belong.  Bring friends; we have room for new members.             


Vice President: no report


Secretary: no report


Treasurer: I don’t have checks; I will put them in the office.  I’m orking on Ways and Means. If I owe you money, e-mail me.             


Equipment Supervisor: The sound equipment is in. It will be up and running as soon as possible.


Web page: Will update membership list.


Publicity: e-mailed Table tents to Dave, and talked to Dining services.          


Concessions: I haven’t gotten keys yet.


Advertising: no report      


Advisors: Dave- Thank you for the gift certificate. TP will be checking officer requirements? I have key cards for those that need keys.             


Old Business: Display Cases: Display cases are in. We can put posters up. LEDs: the LED displays that Travis found increased in price. Is it still worth it if we can’t find a reasonable price? It seems like $200-$300 in reasonable. Next week, meet after normal meeting to discuss for those interested. Week 3 we will have a proposal. Stereo System: The stereo system should be up within the next 2-3 weeks. We should copy the receipts. LCDs The LCD screens were installed in fisher; we will test if they obstruct in any way on Wednesday. IVCF: January 27th & 28th IVCF would like to show ‘Invisible Children’ as a Matinee. They will cover the licensing, Matt offered to project, and it’s a DVD.  Motion to allow them showing given that they pay before, Matt projects, and there are no concessions passed (20:1). The forestry department is interested in showing a movie in the future.

New Business:  International Film Festival: They don’t have funding as of now, but there is a committee in the works to help show international films. They would like to work with or become part of Film board? Mark will send out an e-mail with more information.  Sitcom Shooting: Kyle Thornton is shooting a sitcom and would like to use our movie audience in a scene. 


Meeting Adjourned: 6:43

Dutifully Submitted,

Dan Ehlke