Board Minutes
Started at:
Absences: Jeff
Absences: James
Asehinde, Matt Bengry, Susan Hallesy, Paul Lefief, Michael Lennon, Greg Mooren, Jeff O'Brien
President: There will be a coop seminar Wednesday at
President: Greg has the sheet updated;
check it to make sure your movies are recorded any questions you can email him.
Secretary: Nothing to report.
Treasurer: We made $483.75 in concessions and sold
$1,790.84 for
Publicity: Table tents aren’t ready yet. Be sure to go to MUB room 106 and pick them
up on top of the mailboxes. Any
questions can be sent to Adam.
Supervisor: Nothing to report.
page: Webpage is updated. There has still been a complaint about having
both a flash and non-flash site. We
should probably offer a whole site where anyone can get onto it, but more
importantly the advertising information.
Any slide ideas should go to Lisa. Also
T-shirt ideas should be sent to Lisa, try to keep it
under three colors.
Concessions: We ran out of bags this weekend, thanks to
Frank he saved the day. If we are
running low on something be sure to tell him.
Advisor: Nothing to report.
Old business: Matt had a fancy overhead slide of all the
changes, but we decided it better to table to next week. As for the popcorn jar, it was estimated
there were 22,442 kernels. Hopefully
Matt can email Paul the winners and put them on the webpage.
New business: Four new members showed up today: Matt VanDyke,
Travis Horrocks, Kevin Trombly,
and Helena Nelson. There was a motion to
accept all four. The motion passed
unanimously. We voted on a new movie to
replace The Bourne Supremacy due to unavailability on 35 mm (and the fact it
was Universal). This weekend is Open
House weekend. We were asked if we
wanted to accept the movie passes. There
was a motion to deny usage of such a pass.
The motion was seconded and passed.
The clipboard will be in the office, we still need a few spaces filled
in. If you want a slot, email Greg and
he can help you out.