Film Board Minutes

Date:  October 12th, 2004


Meeting Started at: 6:05 P.M.


Unexcused Absences:  James Asehinde, Alec Struthers


Excused Absences:  Paul Lefief


Minutes: Passed


President:  There will be another debate on Wednesday and they would like to give away free pop and popcorn.  Volunteers were asked to provide refreshments.  There might not be enough concessions for both the debate and movie so Matt will talk to the group and hopefully work something out.  We also got a thank you note for lending out our popcorn and cotton candy machines.


Vice President:  Make sure the sheet is updated for the shows you worked.


Secretary:  Updated membership list; there should be a new list in the office sometime this week.


Treasurer:  We sold 450 tickets for the Manchurian Candidate, which resulted in a deposit of just over.


Publicity:  The table tents aren’t ready yet, make sure to stop by MUB 106 to pick them up.


Equipment Supervisor:  Nothing to report.


Web page:  Webpage is updated.


Advertising:  Lisa would like to thank those who sent her slides, and for the rest of you try to get them in quickly.  Lisa has received a couple of t-shirt ideas and we will be picking one out so all members will have a t-shirt.


Concessions:  Good to go.


Advisor:  Leadership applications are available, for more information email Travis (  Basically it’s a closed off session were you get to meet a lot of people, learn what it takes to be a leader, and have an all around good time.


Old business:  None 


New business:  We voted on movies this week, results should be sent via email.


Meeting adjourned:  6:40 P.M.


Dutifully Submitted,

John Jeske

Tuesday October 12th, 2004 11:30 P.M.