Film Board Minutes

Date:  February 8th, 2005


Meeting Started at:  6:05 PM


Unexcused Absences: Kevin Trombly


Excused Absences: Colin Brandt, Steve Dodge, April Heinen, Bethany Heykoop, Travis Horrocks, Nikolaos Kazakos, Tara Smith, Lisa Welling


Minutes: Passed


President: No report.


Vice President:  Keep up on requirements and sign up for shifts.  If you are 10-15 minutes late for a shift, someone can take your place and get credit for that shift.


Secretary: No report.


Treasurer:  The profit from last weekend was $1,857.25.  The current balance of the bank account is now $17,877.61.


Equipment Supervisor: The analog to digital card came in and is now installed.


Web page:  The webpage has been updated.


Publicity:  We do not need to distribute flyers this week.


Concessions:  Oil for the popcorn machine was ordered.  Soda will be purchased from Econo this week due to needing only one case of each kind.  To purchase shelving for soda will cost around $80- further investigation into getting one from MTU is being done.


Advertising:  The Army ROTC and a campus learning center are interested in purchasing slides.


Advisors:  Have a good Winter Carnival.


Old Business:  Jeff P. presented the top three choices in projectors.  The models were a Hitachi, Mitsubishi, and NEC.  A motion was made to purchase the Hitachi projector ($4899) and lens (~$2000).  Jeff will also investigate extending the warranty.  The motion passed.

The Dark Side of Oz will play at 7PM and 10PM on Thursday. We paid Swank $700 for the rights to show the Wizard of Oz.  William M. will be working on advertising.  Ideas for having advertisement during the All-Nighter were discussed.


New Business: The Michigan Tech Arts Festival will be either at the end of March or beginning of April.  The group sponsoring on the festival asked that we generate a few cool art/foreign movie ideas.  It was decided that helping this group with the festival would help get our name out.  It was also motioned (and passed) that Craig be allotted $200 dollars to purchase a Toshiba DVD player from Rex for the new analog to digital card addition.


Meeting Adjourned: 6:40 PM



Dutifully Submitted,

Susan Hallesy

Friday February 11th, 2005  2:25 PM