Film Board Minutes

Date:  September 12, 2006

Meeting Started at:  6:05 PM

Unexcused Absences: Jake Andrews, Russel Johnson,

Excused Absences: Brad Korstage, Dustin Sommer, Chris Sopcznski

Minutes: Passed

President: If you can't make meetings, let Mark or Dan know.   

Vice President: Show show-up times: Remember that you must show up 45 minutes before the first show and 30 minutes before the two remaining shows. If you are late, you can be counted as not present.  Look over the constitution. 

Secretary: no report  

Treasurer: Movies cost a little more than last year (+$100 or so) because less movies are on the contract.    

Equipment Supervisor: The problem with the projector wasn't because of the focus or cleaning, it was a film problem.  

Web page: Updated the membership list on the website  

Publicity: The poster went up today. If you can do table tents, meet after the meeting.  

Concessions: Everything is stocked.


Advertising: Digital projector isn't up yet; will probably be up this weekend. 

Advisors: Making an e-mail to notify people of the movies and times might help; Erica took on the project .  

Old Business: Posters: The 30 x 42 showcase was ordered because of the lack of e-mails sent.  AD Rates: We didn't charge for the Ads for this week. The discussion about the AD rates was tabled to when we actually get our digital projector. 

New Business: Tickets: A two-color thermal printer was presented to film board and there was discussion.  It prints at 4 inches a second, has a keypad and keeps inventory of the number of tickets printed etc. Pop Rack: e-mail Mark designs if you have a design.  Passes: There were passes given out for a free movie to the RAs, and it was decided that we will accept them through the fall, and bill res-life at the end.  Movie vote: Movies were voted on. Indie Films: Esther brought up an idea to have an indie film night. It will be discussed more next meeting

Meeting Adjourned: 6:40

Dutifully Submitted,

Dan Ehlke