Film Board Minutes

Date:  October 3, 2006

Meeting Started at:  6:05 PM

Unexcused Absences: Fay Dearing, Nicole Pietrzak

Excused Absences: Brad Korstange, Dustin Sommer, Chris Sopczynski, Aaron Mcphall, Ashley Ames, Brandon Krieger, Ken Link, Jeff O'Brien, Jeff Petcoff, Randy Thomas

Minutes: Passed

President: Projector: We're having a brand new print of the movie sent to see if it is our projector that has been working funny (blurry at times). Digital projectors looked into as far as money savings; will be presented next week.   

Vice President: Show Shifts: Several people didn't show up to their shifts this weekend. Everyone needs to make sure to show up or find someone to cover their shift.  LED- The LED scroll for movies, and times will be researched and a link will be sent to the list.  

Secretary: no report

Treasurer: Made about $1900. Contract: Working on contract for groups that play movies through us, must pay upfront.  

Equipment Supervisor: ???

Web page: no report

Publicity: Table tents are here. IF you want to put them out, meet me afterwards.  

Concessions: Different Candy: If people want different kinds of candy we should substitute some out; take an internet poll if possible.


Advertising: Didn't get any advertisements for this weekend.  The posters are printed off, but need to be glued together.

Advisors: no report   

Old Business: New Projector: Heyse researched and presented some projectors that will be used for advertising, and playing DVDs, because it was stolen this summer:

Choice 1 : Panasonic 5000 - DLP - about $7,500 (including warranty) -Will maximize screen compared to last year, but might be squished/stretched. Dual bulbs.

Choice 2 : LCD - $5,600 - Fake Widescreen - Low Brightness. Very Low Contrast- 16:9; unlike Choice 1 which will be squished/ stretched.

Choice 3 : Panasonic 4000 - DLP - about $20,000- OMG choice; all bells and whistles; almost a professional projector.  

Contact Heyse if you have questions

New Business: 'An Inconveinient Truth' : Sunday October 29, from 6:00-10:00, 'An Inconveinient Truth' will be played through Film Board, and Dr. Bolmer agrees to pay for the rights. It was voted upon to donate projector costs ($100) which were passed. Voting: During the week 7 meeting, we will vote on movies, and during week 12 we will vote on officers. In order to run for an officer position, you must have 1 semester of experience with film board. New Members: Kyle Long and Stephen Anderson applied, were interviewed, discussed upon, and voted on.  They were accepted as members.  

Meeting Adjourned: 6:52 PM

Dutifully Submitted,

Dan Ehlke