Film Board Meeting Minutes

Date: November 1st, 2005


Meeting Started: 6:05 P.M.


Unexcused Absences:   Joe Niewendorp, Andrew Prusinowski


Excused Absences: Aaron McPhall


Minutes: Passed


President: We want the meeting to run smoothly and efficiently.


Vice President:  We will discuss the social in new business.  Sign up for requirements.


Secretary: no report


Treasurer:  We sold 617 tickets this past weekend and deposited $1600+.  It was discussed to put more $1’s in the change bag.


Equipment Supervisor: A new splicer was ordered- it will be here later in the week and cost ~$640.


Web page: no report


Publicity: Table tents are printed for the rest of the semester.


Concessions:  Good to go- will order more candy.


Advertising: Everything is going good.


Advisors: no report


Old Business: The social will be December 4th at the Library.  It was motioned that we purchase a new printer for $200 + shipping- the motion passed.


New Business: Officer nominations:  President:  Mark; VP:  Travis, Mike, Ghandi; Secretary:  Dan; Treasurer: Kyle; Publicity:  Erica; Advertisement: Matt H.; Equipment Supervisor: Randy, Jeff O’Brien; Concessions:  Chris; Webpage: Jeff Petcoff.


Meeting Adjourned: 6:30 PM


Dutifully Submitted,

Susan Hallesy