Film Board Minutes

Date:  October 7th, 2003


Meeting Started at: 6:05 P.M.


Unexcused Absences:  Jeffery O’Brien, Alexander Struthers


Excused Absences:  Matthew Bengry, Nicole Carlson, Rebecca Jankoviak, Matthew McQueen, Brian Mooren, Craig Morehouse, Paul Lefief, Tamara Ojanen, Ewe Wei Saw, Robert Soloman


Minutes: Passed


President:  Bekki would like to apologize for missing the meeting; she had an exam review she couldn’t miss.  Other than that, there’s nothing to report.


Vice President:  Sign up sheet’s going around; make sure the requirements are up to date.  We might start swapping colors at the different shows.  It’s an easy to use system, and prevents people from going back to the show with only buying 1 ticket.  This week was our decided week for brining new members; keep that in mind if you know someone that wants to join.


Secretary:  Nothing to report.


Treasurer:  We made $700 in concessions and $0 in tickets (because it was a free movie).


Publicity:  Term list is there, take some and post them.


Equipment Supervisor:  Craig sent the list some ideas to make Filmboard better; everyone should read the email and see what he has to say.


Web page:  Paul’s computer apparently is having some technical difficulties; he’s been trying to get the webpage updated.


Advertising:  Nothing really new.  Slides are expensive, if someone can find a machine to produce them that would save Filmboard a lot of money.


Concessions:  Scott would like to investigate having a distributor for pop.  Then we can pick up more as needed. 


Advisor:  Nothing to report.


Old business:  Until recently, Greg didn’t realize he had a mailbox, so if you stuck something in there for him, it might be awhile until he can look at it.


New business:  There was a lot of discussion about the slides.  There was a motion to set a limit on ebay to buy a slide printing machine.  It was passed, but doesn’t mean Frank has to act upon it right away.  There was a motion to make concessions a co-chair office.  There were two people who were nominated for the position, Jeffery Wolodkiewicz and Chad Scherwinski.  Travis would like to know if Filmboard would want a sponsor for a free movie once a semester.  One of the other groups he advises was interested in doing it.  They would pay for the movie instead of us.  It would also be serving the student body.


Motion to adjourn, motioned passed. 


Meeting Adjourned: 6:30 P.M.


Dutifully Submitted,

John Jeske

Tuesday October 14th, 2003 3:30 P.M.