Film Board Minutes

Date:  November 9th, 2004


Meeting Started at: 6:05 P.M.


Unexcused Absences:  Colin Brandt, Russell Johnson, Kevin Trombly, Lisa Welling


Excused Absences:  Travis Horrocks, Paul Lefief, William Murphy, Matt VanDyke


Minutes: Passed


President:  Officers, remember to get your binder set to go.  Leadershape is this weekend if you signed up for it.


Vice President:  Make sure your requirements are updated.


Secretary:  Nothing to report.


Treasurer:  We sold 550+ tickets for Collateral and $300+ in concessions, which resulted in a deposit of just around $1400.


Publicity:  Publicity isn’t ready yet, be sure to pick it up at the MUB 106 on top of the cabinets on Thursday.


Equipment Supervisor:  The movie came in early, preview at 9 P.M on Wednesday.  Matt reserved Fisher 135 for all of next semester so previews can take place during this time.


Web page:  Will be updated.


Advertising:  Not present.


Concessions:  Good to go.


Advisor:  Nothing to report.


Old business:  Niko has looked at a few LCD projectors that cost around $4,500 - $5,000 (specs next week).  We might be able to persuade USG to give us money to cover this cost.  New members won’t be accepted until next semester.  Tara’s dad has four movies to choose from if we want to show one.  The Elvis movie Girls, Girls, Girls was in the best condition (and maybe a candidate for Women’s History month?).


New business:  The phone in the office has a monthly fee, if you could try and use a cell phone that would be appreciated.  Niko will try and figure something out for the movie this weekend (all subtitled).  Nanocon is also this weekend, let’s try and do an excellent job cleaning up Friday night.


Nominations were taken (please correct me if this is wrong it happened quickly):

Kevin Smith – Treasurer

Matt Heyse – Equipment Supervisor

Jeff Wolodkiewicz – Concessions and Vice President

Greg Mooren – Advertising

Matt Bengry – President

Susan Hallesy – Secretary

Matt Dunn – Vice President

Jeff Petcoff – Equipment Supervisor

Jeff O’ Brien – Vice President


Remember, nominations are still opened for next meeting.


Meeting adjourned:  6:35 P.M.


Dutifully Submitted,

John Jeske

Tuesday November 9th, 2004 9:10 P.M.