Film Board Minutes

Date:  November 27, 2007

Meeting Started at:  6:05 PM


Unexcused Absences: Matt Bengry, John Gibbs, Chris Sopczynski

Excused Absences: Erica Akehurst, Kyle Thornton



President: For each member 9 shows and 2 cleanups must be completed to attend the social/stay in the club. All shows and cleanups must be completed or signed up for in order for members to receive posters at the end of the semester. Also, Mark will be submitting an application to Bluekey to reserve a spot for the outdoor screen during Winter Carnival in the event that USG approves the funds. On December 11, officers who will not be returning to their old positions will be turning over their responsibilities to their replacements.

Vice President: No Report

Secretary: Fay Dearing shall be taking over for Dan Ehlke from this meeting forward.

Treasurer: As we have received a payment from the Preview showing company projectionists are encouraged to show their DVD at least once a night.

Equipment Supervisor: A message to all people on popcorn duty; Stop opening popcorn bags and leaving them. When left open the bags get dust inside of them which means we have to throw the unused bags away for health reasons.

Web page: Updated.

Publicity: No Report.

Concessions: No Report

Advertising:  No Report

Advisors: No Report



Judicial – Finished constitution which is nearly ready to be presented to be voted on. Expect it at the end of the semester or the beginning of next.

Movie – Met to discuss the movies to be voted in next semester. Movie voting will be next Tuesday (December 4, 2007).

Equipment – Sunday (December 2, 2007) they're meeting to work. Anyone who wants to help is invited to join them.


Old Business:

Social – John's boss is willing to sell us tickets for $6 per person with a small drink and popcorn. More info is needed. Issue tabled for next week's meeting.

Christmas Movie – We're getting 'The Muppet Christmas Carol' on 35mm and three posters. It will be shown twice. Motion: To show the movie at 1:30 and 3:30. Passed. Mention of possibly selling candy canes at the show.


New Business:

l        We will be voting next week on the first 5 movies

l        Will be receiving those during the December 11 meeting. Get your requirements filled.

Carrots – Discussed the possibility of selling carrots before the movie 'Shoot 'em Up'. The decision was to not, but no vote was held.


Meeting Adjourned: 6:35 pm


Minutes submitted by Fay Dearing