Film Board Minutes


Date:  March 16th, 2004


Meeting Started at: 6:05 P.M.


Unexcused Absences: Dawn Weber, Craig Morehouse, Paul Lefief, Ryan Antkowiak


Excused Absences: Jeffery Wolodkiewicz, Chad Scherwinski, Michael Lennon, Nikolaos Kazakos, Asehinde James, Frank Hahnenberg, Brian Dow, Stephen Dodge


Minutes: Passed


President:  Techs art festival is coming up in a couple weeks, we need a projectionist for the 23rd and 24th.  They will be showing Chicago and Grease.


Vice President:  If you have any ideas about the social, you can email Greg.  Take a look at the signup sheet and try to get to the goal deadline.  Greg will start enforcing the rules outlined in the constitution; everyone should take a look at that and be sure to get they requirements in.


Secretary:  Nothing to report.


Publicity:  Not present.


Equipment:  Nothing to report.


Webpage:  (Not Present) Assuming website will be updated.


Concessions:  Everything should be stocked for the next show.


Treasurer:  (Not Present) We sold $976 in tickets and $330 in concessions for Timeline, and our account balance is $14631.78.


Advertising:  Nothing to report.


Advisor:  Nothing to report.


Old business:  If anyone has a t-shirt idea be sure to bring it up soon.  Wads will be paying for the Last Samurai so it will be free to all students.  We will be getting $10,000 from USG, less then last year, due to budget cuts.


New business:  Make sure you are on track with your requirements; we wills start to enforce them more strictly.  That means make it to the meeting on time and work enough shows as the deadline says to. 


Meeting Adjourned: 6:30 P.M.


Dutifully Submitted,

John Jeske

Thursday March 18th, 2003 9:35 P.M.