Film Board Minutes

Date:  April 12th, 2005


Meeting Started at:  6:05 PM


Unexcused Absences: April Heinen, Bethany Heykoop, Sean O’Brien


Excused Absences: Steve Dodge, Nikolaos Kazakos, Craig Morehouse, Nikki Pietrzak, Lisa Welling


Minutes: Passed


President: No Report.


Vice President:  The social will be at 6PM on Sunday at the Ambassador.


Secretary: Please let me know if you are graduating this spring or co-oping next fall.


Treasurer: Ticket sales for Ocean’s 12 and Coach Carter were 772 and 432 respectively.  Please be careful when counting.


Equipment Supervisor: No Report.


Web page:  The webpage has been updated.


Publicity: Sorry, I couldn’t hear the report.


Concessions:  We’re set and trying to run down our stock for the end of the year.


Advertising:  No Report.


Advisors: Congratulations graduates and good luck on finals.


Old Business: None.


New Business: Please fill out the surveys for the new webpage- if you have suggestions talk to Adam.  We elected our new president for the fall semester, Kevin Smith.  The fall semester treasurer position will be filled by Jeff Petcoff. 


Meeting Adjourned:  6:30 PM


Dutifully Submitted,

Susan Hallesy

Monday April 18th, 2005  10:45 PM