Film Board Minutes
Date: October 10, 2006
Meeting Started at: 6:05 PM
Unexcused Absences: Ghandi Jagasia, Brandon Kreiger, Matthew Pihulic
Excused Absences: Brad Korstange, Dustin Sommer, Chris Sopczynski, Aaron Mcphall
Minutes: Passed
President: 'An Inconveinient Truth' will be shown on Sunday and Monday at 7:00 in 2-3 weeks. Will make sure they are shipped through swank along with the normal movie for that week. They are also ok with signing the contract that Kyle made. Next weeks meeting will be in Fisher 327
Vice President: There has been consistent absences to show shifts. If you don't show up for a show, that is grounds for having to work an additional show. It's week 6; people need to get on their requirements. New members: try not to work shows together.
Secretary: E-mail me if you are going to be absent;
Treasurer: $600 in concessions, and $2000 in tickets was made this weekend.
Equipment Supervisor: The Panasonic projector is good.
Web page: No report
Publicity: table tents
Concessions: Everything will be stocked for Friday. Candy Poll: There will be an online candy poll which will replace candy for next semester. Make sure that all pop brands are out in the coolers; labels will be re-done with the labeler from upstais.
Advertising: No new ads
Advisors: none
Old Business: LED Display: The possible displays were looked at and the security and necessity of them was assessed. Would it be better to get an alpha numeric display? Decision was tabled.
New Business: Website: Matt Heyse brought up the idea of moving the website off the sos server. If people have suggestions, send them to Matt. Printed Posters: The printed posters are getting taken when they're in color; black & white might be better. Panasonic Projector: It was passed to purchase the panasonic projector, with the warranty ($400) and replacement bulbs. Multimedia Group: A movie advertising group is offering to send us upcoming movie previews to play as previews, and we will receive free stuff to pass out like candy or itunes cards etc. They do about 500 pre-screens with universities each year. They send one every couple months. It was passed to accept this offer. Doors: There are some problems with the doors. At one point a door was locked but not closed. A motion was passed to replace the cores on all the doors. Sunday Matinee Comitee: If anyone is interested in being a part of deciding on and organizing the independent/old movies for Sunday matinees, meet with Dan after the meeting to get names.
Meeting Adjourned: 6:55
Dutifully Submitted,
Dan Ehlke