Film Board Minutes
Meeting Started at:
Unexcused Absences:
Matthew McQueen, Alexander Struthers
Excused Absences:
Ryan Antkowiak, Nicole Carlson, April Heinen, Bethany Heykoop, Russell
Johnson, Paul Lefief, Pedro Lemmertz,
Tamara Ojanen
Minutes: Passed
President: Nothing
to report.
Vice President:
The requirements will be adjusted to meet the amount of members and the
free movies.
Sorry about missing the meeting, I’d like to thank whoever took notes
for me. I just have to say, the meeting
minutes will now be printed out, as well as the past few meetings, and will be
placed in the file cabinet.
We made $412.75 in concessions and $703 in tickets for Terminator
3: Rise of the Machines.
Publicity: Table
tents aren’t available yet, it seems the MUB has lost the form. Adam will try and get them tomorrow and will
send an email.
Equipment Supervisor: Nothing new, movie should be previewed
Wednesday at 8.
Web page: Not
present, but the web site should be updated.
Nothing to report.
Scott ordered bags for the cotton candy, hopefully they will work.
Nothing to report.
Old business:
New business:
Blue Key was wondering if we would like to make a donation this
year. If we donate $250 we get to be on
the gold list, this is what we have donated in previous years. There was a motion, it was seconded and
passed with 4 abstentions. There was an
organization, Alpha Phi Omega that will be out of town and would like to see
the movie on Wednesday. There was a
motion to let them do this, it was seconded and passed with 4 abstentions. It seems people aren’t really using abstentions
the way they’re suppose to be used.
Remember, use your abstentions wisely, it’s a serious thing when taking
a vote. The requirements may
change. Apparently Saturday morning
there was a big mess. Let’s try and keep
Fisher 135 a little cleaner. Pirates of
Make sure to keep an eye on the popcorn machine, if the motor doesn’t
spin, the popcorn will burn. There was a
vote held for concessions, Jeff received 4 votes, and
Motion to adjourn, motioned passed.
Meeting Adjourned: 6:30 P.M.
Dutifully Submitted,
John Jeske