Film Board Minutes

Date:  September 6th, 2005


Meeting Started at: 6:05 P.M.


Unexcused Absences:  Mobin Anandwala, Colin Brandt, Travis Horrocks, Jack McCaffery, Joe Niewendorp, Jeff Wolodkiewicz.


Excused Absences:  Sean O’Brien


Minutes: Passed


President:  We will be voting on movies next week.


Vice President:  We will vote on new members in next week.  Get your requirements started and check the requirements sheet.


Secretary:  Membership roster is going around – check for any errors in your information.


Treasurer:  Jeff Petcoff resigned the office due to time conflicts.


Publicity:  We should be set to go once the publicity is printed.  Did someone pick up the posters?  Publicity volunteers:  Jeff P.-DHH, Ghandi-McNair, Dan E.-Wads, Mark C.- MUB.


Equipment Supervisor:  No report.


Web page:  Updated.


Advertising:  Send slides to Heyse- they will be added to the slide show. 


Concessions:  Let Matt B. know of any candies you would like to see- otherwise, we should be good to go.


Advisor:  No Report.


Old business:  Annual health inspection will be on Thursday morning.  If you can help clean – members will be meeting 9pm on Wednesday night.  New health code- wear gloves when making popcorn.


New business:  Kyle Done was elected the new Treasurer.  K-day sign up went around.  We decided against giving away popcorn in front of the mini-theater K-day booth (not sure of the org. name).


Meeting adjourned:  6:30 P.M.


Dutifully Submitted,

Susan Hallesy

Wednesday September 7th, 2005 8:05AM