Film Board Minutes

Date:  January 17, 2006

Meeting Started at:  6:05 PM

Unexcused Absences: Ashley Ames, Mobin Anandwala, Tony Fontana, Aaron Mcphall

Excused Absences: Fay Dearing, Tony Fontana, Kevin Smith, Craig Morehouse

Minutes: Passed

President: Have potential members come in next week.   

Vice President: no report

Secretary: the membership list is going around for those that want their info changed. 

Treasurer: Made a motion to get a new checkbook for around $26, because the checks stick out the side of the current one.  Motion was passed for the purchase of a new check book/binder. 

Equipment Supervisor: A cable for $9 is going to be purchased.  A stereo receiver has been investigated; there is one for $1500, that “does everything”.  USB input. Preamplified Output. Everything in surround sound goes through processor. It will save the sound cards and won't effect the 35 mm.  There is also one for $500 and one available through Matt Heyse.  It will be investigated and discussed further at the next meeting  

Web page:  no report 

Publicity: Table tents will be worked out.    

Concessions: no report


Advertising: slides! 

Advisors: no report  

Old Business: Winter Carnival movies were voted on and 'Ice Age' won with 10 votes. Voting for the next four movies included: Domino, Just Friends, Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe, The Ringer, The New World, Syriana, Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire, Fun with Dick and Jane, Aeon Flux, Memoirs of a Geisha, Chicken Little, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Rent, The Ice Harvest, and Brokeback Mountain.

New Business: Motion was made to stop purchasing posters from swank due to their cost and unreliability.  Purchasing through was mentioned.  The discussion was tabled until next week.  

Meeting Adjourned: 6:30

Dutifully Submitted,

Dan Ehlke