Film Board Minutes

Date:  March 13,2006

Meeting Started at:  6:05 PM

Unexcused Absences: Jeff O'Brien, Sean O'Brien

Excused Absences: Ashley Ames, Matt Bengry, Ghandi Jagasia, Russell Johnson, Jeff Petcoff, Nicole Pietrzak 

Minutes: Passed

President: Movies: Next set of movies are: Underworld, Anapolis, and Grandma's Boy, in that order.     

Vice President: Congratulations to Kyle! He has completed all of his requirements.  New Members: See me after meeting to work out when you can be trained.

Secretary: I also need to see the new members so I can update the membership list. 

Treasurer: We will be receiving USG money; something will also be worked out so that when the time comes to upgrade our projector, we will have the funds.    

Equipment Supervisor: ???  

Web page: ???  

Publicity: Ringer Poster: We didn't receive the “Ringer” poster, and will put up printed off sheets of paper instead.  EDS: Putting an advertisement through the EDS is already being implemented by Russell.    

Concessions:  New Stuff!!: We have new purple gloves.  The gloves were given an enthusiastic stamp of approval by many members. Hand Sanitizer was also purchased.


Advertising:  ??? 

Advisors: Health Code: Remember to keep a large stock of gloves in the office. Out of Town: Travis will be out of town for conferences until March 30th, so he won't be able to make the next couple meetings.


Old Business: Stereo: The stereo from for $1200 has a 4 or 6 year warranty, not a 5 year, so the 6 year warranty was chosen. Cotton Candy: MTU preschool sent filmboard a thank you card.  Passion: On Tuesday, April 11 the Interchristian Council is playing “The Passion of the Christ” through us, and they were wondering if we could sell concessions for them.  Motion accepted. Randy volunteered to project.  

New Business: MUB Board: Mub Board wants to play “Frida” and “Crimson River” on the 28th and 30th.  They have Fisher reserved, and Randy volunteered to project.  They acknowledge their responsibility to clean up afterwards, and are getting the rights through swank. Motion to allow/help them play it was accepted. Projectionist Pay: Since the previous movie is only one showing on a weekday, and it's DVD, it was brought up how much we should pay our projectionists for such shows.  It was agreed that we will charge $50 and pay $30 to the projectionist that night.  Movie Outside: MUB Board wanted us to play “Anapolis” outside by Walker, but we can't get it on DVD, so the idea was not passed. New Member: Esther Johnson filled out an application, was interviewed and accepted as a member.

Meeting Adjourned: 6:35pm

Dutifully Submitted,

Dan Ehlke