Film Board Minutes

Date:  April 20th, 2004


Meeting Started at: 6:05 P.M.


Unexcused Absences:  Matthew Heyse, Alexander Struthers, Dawn Weber


Excused Absences:  Scott Elliott, Nikolaos Kazakos


Minutes: Passed


President:  If someone will be here to set up and project the orientation movie on Tuesday, contact Matt.


Vice President:  Not present.


Secretary:  Nothing to report.


Treasurer:  Be sure to write the number of clicks down somewhere so Chad can find it.  We made $400 in concessions.


Publicity:  Not ready yet, you can pick it up in the MUB.


Equipment Supervisor:  Nothing to report.


Web page:  Updated.


Advertising:  Nothing to report.


Concessions:  Good to go, check if there is an opened box when restocking candies.  Be sure to wait until it is completely gone before opening a new box.


Advisor:  Nothing to report.


Old business:  Table the requirements discussion to next week.  Matt and a few others have been working on the constitution and will have a proposal soon.  There was a motion to change the social to the Ming Buffet.  The motion was seconded and passed.


New business:  There was a motion to change the times for Lord of the Rings to 6 and 10.

The motion was seconded and passed.  If you are leaving this semester and have a key, be sure to return it.


Meeting Adjourned:  6:23 P.M.


Dutifully Submitted,

John Jeske

Monday April 26th, 2004 9:45 P.M.