Film Board Minutes

Date:  November 8, 2005


Meeting Started at:  6:05 PM


Unexcused Absences: Mobin Anandwala, Andrew Prusinowski


Excused Absences: Susan Hallesy, Ashley Ames, Austin Kuzmic, Aaron McPhall,


Minutes: Passed


President: Received an e-mail concerning an NACE workshop/ showcase to send a Film Board member to which will have showcases and workshops to help college groups in entertainment advertise and such.       It was decided that this workshop wasn’t necessary. Received a letter from a former member concerning USG funding to Film board; may appear in ‘The Lode’.    


Vice President: T-shirts are in, if anyone hasn’t received a t-shirt see Jeff O’Brien; they are in the office.  


Secretary:     no report        


Treasurer:     Wedding Crashers made $3905.  There is $28,000 in the account.          


Equipment Supervisor: the splicer was received.             


Web page: members list was updated        


Publicity: no report           


Concessions: no report


Advertising:  proposed purchase of MS Office software.  Motion to purchase MS office for $40 was accepted.         



Advisors: no report                          


Old Business: The following officer Nominations were reviewed and closed: Pres- Mark Cruth, VP- Travis, Ghandi, Mike, Tres- Kyle, Pub- Erica, Ad-Matt, Equip- Randy, Con-Chris, Web-Jeff. Voting postponed until November 30, 2005 because there will be no meeting November 16 due to thanksgiving break.


New Business:  A projectionist is needed on November 16 for the movie ‘Mardi Gras’ for a student org; they need our equipment to play the DVD.  Matt Heyse volunteered.


Meeting Adjourned: 6:25 PM


Dutifully Submitted,

Susan Hallesy