Film Board Minutes

Date:  January 25, 2006

Meeting Started at:  6:05 PM

Unexcused Absences: Jeff O'Brien

Excused Absences: Travis Horrocks, Russel Johnson, Brandon Krieger, Nicole Pietrzak

Minutes: Passed

President: There were many absent people at the late Friday show.  Everyone needs to make sure they work the show they sign up for.      

Vice President: Absent- no report 

Secretary: No Report 

Treasurer: 'The Weatherman' made around $2,800.  The new money distribution for tickets: $100 in 1 dollar bills, $75 in '5' dollar bills, and $50 in '10' dollar bills. 

Equipment Supervisor: Absent- no report 

Web page: The Membership list has been updated  

Publicity: Needs to talk to Travis about printing the table tents and swipe access to the MUB. 

Concessions: no report


Advertising: no report  

Advisors: no report   

Old Business: Purchasing a new stereo system was discussed, and it was made clear the purpose of the purchase is to preserve the sound card.  The decision was tabled for next week because the equipment supervisor was absent.  Deciding on obtaining posters from a different source than our film providers was also tabled for next week to provide for more research.  The possibility of purchasing directly from the company that swank or criterion purchases with will be investigated. We can't get 'Ice Age' for winter carnival, so another set of movies were nominated and voted upon. The nominations were: Super Troopers, South Park, Star Wars (trilogy), Lord of the Rings (trilogy), and The Matrix (trilogy).  Star Wars Trilogy got the most votes with Super Troopers in second place.  It was decided that if Star Wars falls through, Super Troopers will be the 'back-up', and Matt B. will get liters of coke and Pepsi seeing as it has relevance to the movie.  New member Brad Korstange was interviewed and accepted as a member.  Vote on ASMTU

New Business: 'Yooper Day' is this week and the dorms are giving out 50 free passes.  They all have a 'confidential' stamp on the back and are signed.  When received, just rip as a normal ticket.

Meeting Adjourned: 6:40 pm

Dutifully Submitted,

Dan Ehlke