Film Board Minutes

Date:  September 4, 2007

Meeting Started at:  6:05 PM

Unexcused Absences:

Excused Absences: Ghandi Jagasia

Minutes: Passed


President: Meeting Structure: During meetings, we will start limiting on long arguments that run too long, and instead have an equipment committee meeting, for discussion, and bring it to a vote at the normal meeting.          After the meeting, meet in the office so that everyone can re-familiarize with where everything is in the office.


Vice President: K-Day- We’re setting up a booth with 5 screenshots of 5 different movies from different genres. It will be a guessing game for people to guess which movie each snapshot comes from.  If they guess mostly correct (probably 3/5), they will go into one drawings for movie passes. If they get all five correct, then they wil be in the drawing to win all dvds & passes.  Filmboard competition; won’t have to do an extreme or lessened requirements.  Low Membership: So that we can get more people interested in Film Board we should do a Rush style info session maybe?  Week 3 maybe? Voting on movies is during week 3.  Our AD is up in the APO booklet.  Sign up for K-day; starts at 11:30.       


Secretary: No report


Treasurer: I’ll do my long report next week.                 


Equipment Supervisor: old business       


Web page: If anyone has any ideas on how to make the website better, send them my way.

Publicity: Table Tents: Student Affairs screwed up our reservation for a few days on a few weekends to put out table tents.                


Concessions: Our new pop racks are up.


Advertising:  2 slides are in the works.  Send me some trivia slides.     


Advisors: Dave – Thanks for letting me use the coolers.  I have cards for the keys.                     

Old Business: Summer Projects: The pop racks are done. The viewing room is still being fixed, but will be operational next weekend.  I will e-mail about cleaning for volunteers.  Windows are in production.  We’re working with facilities for installation.  Until then, we’ll drag an aftermath table over to sell tickets.  We bought a new receiver.  We’ve been fighting with the company about the pioneer one. We’re working on the light table.

New Business: Kimberly-Clark- KC wants to pass out stuff at one of our movie showings, and get us a pre-release.  “Good Luck Chuck” or “Evan Almighty” might be good. Deadline is Friday. We will be in charge of Ads. Coming Up: Week 4- Oceans 13; free tickets from packets given to people visiting tech will be coming in.  Week 6- COMPASS – Ratitouille will be the “family” movie for that weekend.


Meeting Adjourned: 6:38pm


Dutifully Submitted,

Dan Ehlke