Film Board Minutes
October 15th 2002
Meeting Started at: 6:00 P.M.
Unexcused Absences: Jeffrey Ian, Subert David J.
and Welling Lisa.
Excused Absences: Johnson Wayne, Mooren Brian, and
Ojanen Tamara.
34 members present
Minutes: Passed
President: In the next few weeks Film Board will
begin looking at possible movie selections for the first couple weeks of the
winter term. Josh will email a list of
the possible selections in the weeks to come.
Vice President: No report.
Secretary: No report.
Treasurer: For “The Sum of All Fears”, we
sold 582 tickets that amounts to $ 1,164.00 and made $ 350.00 in
Still waiting on the money for the “freshmen take over
Fisher” and the “orientation week” events.
Equipment Supervisor: The movie “Mr. Deeds” is
probably here and will be previewed Wednesday night at 8:00 pm.
Web page: the web page has been updated and the
bugs are all gone.
Publicity: The term lists are here, so take some
and hang them up all over. Please hand
them out to people at the shows if they want one.
Concessions: Found a new oil distributor out of
Chicago to do business with.
Advertising: The T-shirt people have been contacted
and they still have the artwork, they also had some comments about how to
improve upon the design. New members who
did not yet receive a t-shirt please contact Missy Benson and tell her what
color shirt you want (green/gray), the appropriate size, and whether you prefer
long or short sleeved.
Advisors: No report.
Old Business: Karla will check about a poster in
front of the MUB.
The cell phone signs are made and will be laminated
A comment about the Film Board policy on cell phone
use has been added to the publicity at the bottom.
New Business: There is a Film Board liner being
played on WMTU during the news segment at 5pm, it is about 47 seconds long,
describes the movie, and where it will be shown; the price can not be disclosed
due to FCC regulations. If any member
would like to make suggestions and or comments about the ad please bring it up
at the next meeting.
WMTU will have their slide ready by the end of the
Anyone interested in donating blood can do so
Wednesday from 9:00 – 4:00 pm in the MUB, be sure to tell them that you are
donating blood for Film Board. Drink
plenty of water and it will go by so fast that you wont even realize someone
has just stabbed you in the arm with a 4-inch needle. We got a bleeder!
Meeting Adjourned: 6:12 pm
Dutifully Submitted,
Daniel J. Weir
Wednesday October 15th, 2002, 7:15 P.M.