Film Board Minutes

Date:  January 18th, 2005


Meeting Started at: 6:05 P.M.


Unexcused Absences:  Tara Smith, Chad Scherwinski


Excused Absences:  John Jeske, Jeff Petcoff


Minutes: Passed


President:  Nothing to report         


Vice President:  We had two potential members observing the meeting and two potential members to interview later in the meeting. 


Secretary:  A sign up sheet was passed around so that the membership list could be updated.


Treasurer:  After depositing last weekend’s earnings the balance was approximately $17,500.


Publicity:  Table tents were put up last weekend, and will be done again this week.


Equipment Supervisor:  Please clean the popcorn machine in the projection booth, if used.  It was asked that everyone makes an effort to keep things clean.


Web page:  The webpage has been updated.  Also, if anyone has any pictures you would like to see on the webpage, email them to Matt Dunn (


Advertising:  Nothing to report


Concessions:  Little Debbie cakes and Faygo soda will be purchased.


Advisor:  Nothing to report.


Old business:  The top three Winter Carnival movie choices are not available through Swank.  Greg suggested The Dark Side of Oz (The Wizard of Oz played with Pink Floyd’s The Dark Side of the Moon).  Craig also researched a new computer for the Film Board office.  He found a Dell computer for approximately $1500.  It was motioned that we buy the proposed Dell, this motion passed.  It was suggested that the old computer be kept to run an LCD projector slide show.


New business:  Two potential members, Gandhi J. and Chris Sopczynski, were interviewed and accepted into membership.  Nikki suggested purchasing two smaller shop-vacuums for Saturday night clean-ups; this issue was tabled for next week’s meeting.  Voting for the February 11-12, 18-19, and 25-26, movies were also done.


Meeting adjourned:  6:50 P.M.


Dutifully Submitted,

Susan Hallesy

Wednesday January 19th, 2005 12:15 P.M.