Film Board Minutes

Date:  April 19th, 2005


Meeting Started at:  6:05 PM


Unexcused Absences: Colin Brandt, Kyle Done, Keith Grzegorczyk, April Heinen, Bethany Heykoop, Andrew Jerz, Jack McCaffery, Matt McQueen, Craig Morehouse, Nikki Pietrzak, Jeff Wolodkiewicz


Excused Absences: Steve Dodge, Brandon Krieger, William Murphy, Lisa Welling, Randy Thomas


Minutes: Passed


President: No Report.


Vice President:  Please sign up for the show.


Secretary: No report.


Treasurer: We got reimbursed by USG for the movies we have shown (except the last four).  $1,397.75 was deposited into the bank account.


Equipment Supervisor: No Report.


Web page:  The webpage has been updated.


Publicity: Table tents will be put out tomorrow- do not worry about posting them if you volunteered.


Concessions:  We’re set and trying to run down our stock for the end of the year.  Another box of oil was purchased.


Advertising:  We’re still waiting on a lens.


Advisors: No report.


Old Business: The Air Force ROTC was in contact.  He has allocated money and would like to sponsor a movie next September.  Matt Heyse was elected Advertising chair.  The issue of switching distributors was brought up.  Criterion has offered a price of ~$600/movie (not including shipping).  The issue of going solely through Criterion is the selection of movies.  A selection can be seen at  A few questions posed to ask Criterion were:  Will the films be readily available?;   What about the statistics card that must be filled out with each film?;  How are posters sent?.  Another question is:  Will Swank lower their price with a limited contract?


New Business: Posters were distributed. 


Meeting Adjourned:  6:50 PM


Dutifully Submitted,

Susan Hallesy

Sunday April 24th, 2005  10:25 AM