Film Board Minutes

Date:  October 28th, 2003


Meeting Started at: 6:05 P.M.


Unexcused Absences:  Brian Mooren, Alexander Struthers


Excused Absences:  Nicole Carlson, Jack McCaffery, Tamara Ojanen, Lisa Welling, Jeffery Wolodkiewicz


Minutes: Passed


President:  If case you heard the message on the answering machine that was Mary, our SWANK representative.  We do have the movies ordered.


Vice President:  There are new requirements; everything should work out as long as the new people keep working shows.


Secretary:  Unable to update the list as of yet, will get to it as soon as possible.


Treasurer:  We made $500 in concessions and $1,083 in tickets for Terminator 3:  Rise of the Machines.  Our balance is around $12,000 with about $2,000-3,000 outstanding.  Wayne will change the format of the sheets as soon as we run out.


Publicity:  Rest of the movies are free, spread the word.


Equipment Supervisor:  Craig was contacted by the people who put on Red Dragon; they want to show Last Samurai, probably on a Wednesday since we have the room reserved.  The company that’s doing it this time is Verizon.


Web page:  Updated for this week, Paul will put “free” on the front page.


Advertising:  Nothing to report.


Concessions:  Scott ordered more popcorn, candy, and oil for the popcorn.  We should be stocked up for the free movies.  Chad has setup the delivery for the soda; it will be on Wednesdays at the loading dock.


Advisor:  Nothing to report.


Old business:  The social is on Sunday, November 16th at 6 pm.


New business:  None. 


Meeting Adjourned: 6:15 P.M.


Dutifully Submitted,

John Jeske

Tuesday November 3rd, 2003 12:00 P.M.